Overland Route Gallery

To view the entire collection of Overland Route paintings or order prints click here.


Further reading: P&O

 - Artmonsky, R., Cox, S. (2012), P&O Across the Oceans Across the Years – A Pictorial Voyage, Antique Collectors’ Club, UK

 - Artmonsky, R. (2012), P&O: A History, Shire Publications, UK

 - Howarth, D., Howarth, S. (1986; 1994), The Story of P&O, Weidenfield and Nicolson Ltd, UK,

 - Rabson, S., O’Donoghue, K. (1988), P&O A Fleet History, World Ship Society, UK


Further Reading: Conservation

To read or download the full Conservation Report click here.

 - Bower, P (1999), Turner’s Later Paper, Tate Gallery Publishing Ltd, UK

 - Florian, M-L. E. (2002), Fungal Facts, Archetype Publications Ltd, UK

 - Berrie B. (ed.) (2007) Artists' Pigments: A Handbook of their History and Characteristics, Volume 4, National Gallery of Art, Washington/ Archetype Publications Ltd., UK

 - Tuttle, C.A. (1995), An Ounce of Preservation – A Guide to the Care of Papers and Photographs, Rainbow Books Inc., USA

 - The Ink Corrosion Website 


Archive references:

P&O/13/12; P&O/12/1; P&O/12/2; P&O/12/5; GSN/12/6

National Maritime Museum Archive Catalogue
